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Search Results for: genomic imprinting


What does imprinting mean? Have you watched the TV cartoon show “Tom and Jerry” with an episode of a duck and its... Read More

Genomic imprinting

Definition noun A phenomenon in which the phenotype of the offspring depends on the source of the chromosome containing the... Read More

Gene conversion

Definition noun A nonreciprocal gene transfer in which an allele converts the other allele into the same form as its self,... Read More

Extranuclear inheritance

Definition noun A form of non-Mendelian inheritance in which a trait was transmitted from the parent to offspring through... Read More

Non-Mendelian inheritance

Definition noun (genetics) A type of biological inheritance wherein the patterns of phenotypes do not accord with those as... Read More

Infectious heredity

Definition noun A non-Mendelian inheritance in which an infectious particle within the cell of the host may bring changes in... Read More

Trinucleotide repeat disorder

Definition noun, plural: trinucleotide repeat disorders Any of a set of genetic disorders caused by trinucleotide repeats... Read More

Extracellular inheritance

Definition noun A form of non-Mendelian inheritance in which a trait was transmitted from the parent to offspring through... Read More


Cells often go through many divisions before they become a part of an organism’s genetic make-up. This leaves room for... Read More